Sunday, April 29, 2007

software to create your Web site

Create a Web site impressing in 5 stages without knowing HTML! WebSite X5 is a software of creation of entirely visual Web sites which does not require any knowledge in programming HTML. It is the ideal tool for the initial users as for more tested users who wish to create and publish very easily and quickly Web sites of professional quality. In addition to its very great facility of catch in hand and the speed of the results obtained, WebSite X5 also includes/understands a great number of very interesting functionalities which make the difference: optimization of the images, creation of buttons 3D, addition of a page of introduction with selection of the language by the visitor, insertion of objects HTML, addition of forms of data, and many other functionalities which make this tool impossible to circumvent.

Create Your Web site in All Simplicity, the French version of WebEasy, is the ideal tool to create your own Internet site of professional quality without being informed any in programming! Thanks to a library of more than 85.000 objects, cliparts, photographs, buttons, backgrounds, sounds, and thanks to a very intuitive assistant who will guide you step by step in your creation, the setting in line of your Web site, shop on line or blog will become a true set of children

Cariboost will enable you to create your Web site and your albums photographs in some clicks and without any knowledge in Web programming. You will be able to create and easily modify your albums photographs on Internet, to build and arrange your Web site in a visual way, to write of Blogs to which your visitors can answer and manage dynamic menus simply. The free version of this software makes it possible to create unlimited albums photographs. A management of intelligent publication in a click will ensure a fast update of your Web site. Finally you can make your Web site multilingual without effort. New: a new interface and a management improved of the albums photographs are from now on available.

Entirely free (no publicities on your site and any limitation in the software), IziSpot will enable you to create Internet sites in a simple and intuitive way. This fast software to control includes many functionalities such as an editor of graphic charters, a library of charters (model graphs) and Flash animations, a module of catalog management of products, or the creation of forms, galleries photographs or remote loading pages. IziSpot offers to its users, specialists or beginners in creation of Web sites, the possibility of creating free a site of professional quality in record time. Moreover, the IziShopping module will allow those which wish it to create their own shop on line in only some clicks.

TOWeb is a very easy software of access to quickly conceive Blog or a single and original Web site, without resorting to the programming languages Web, without using of software of final improvement of images for your photographs and without being delivered to yourself vis-a-vis a white page and tens of options. That you initial or are confirmed, enter your texts (a multilingual orthographical corrector is included), add your images, and equip your site with an original, new and harmonious topic graphic created using the random generator of integrated topic. Add all types of pages to your site (including albums photographs and catalogues of products), personalize your images with edges and effects, protect the sensitive contents from your site by passwords (addresses email automatically protected from the spam), and click on a single button to publish your Web site by using the list of preset shelterers.

This software of creation of simple and very complete animation GIF can import many formats, films AVI included/understood, and can generate code HTML. (Shareware, French, 812 KB)

In order to be able to be quickly charged by the Net surfers, the images of your Web sites must be light, light… To obtain the best made possible, nothing is worth a good graphic editor. (Freeware, French, 7.07 KB)
Probably the most beautiful forum, most complete and most easily modifiable, all confused languages. (Freeware, French, 657 KB)

DotClear is a software easy to install and completely free which makes it possible to create and to manage a blog on your own waiter. (Freeware, French, 431 KB)

A solution supplements to create its Web site in depth. (Freeware, English, 6.50 Mo)
Dreamweaver is one of editors HTML the most used at present by the professionals. (Demonstration, English, 5.1 Mo)

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